In Urdaneta we support the Environment

he 2030 School Agenda is a process in which the educational community participates with an action plan in favor of the environmental and social improvement of the center itself and its surroundings.

This process has three basic components: the environmental sustainability of the educational centre and its surroundings, curricular innovation and participation in the community in collaboration with the Loiu City Council and the Department of Education, Universities and Research on the one hand and with the Department of Environment and Land Management on the other.

The objectives pursued by the 2030 School Agenda are the following:

  • Provide appropriate information and training on the different concepts related to the environment.
  • To raise awareness in the educational community about the effects of human activity on the environment and the importance of establishing environmentally sustainable practices.
  • Promote the participation of the educational community in good environmental practices both in the educational center and in its surroundings.

The activities we carry out to achieve these objectives revolve around a theme agreed upon at the Ingurugela coordinator meetings, which is then adapted to the reality of each centre.